Hagen VerlegerTypography & Book Design

Dialog der Schrift Poster

Award-winning poster series for the typography symposium “Dialog der Schrift: Autorschaft in der Gestaltung”
Detail of the first design (upper half)
Detail of the first design (lower half)
Two out of three basic motifs
Third of three basic motifs (left), the symposium’s abstract sreenprinted on one of the posters
Variations with the event’s title (serigraphy on offset)
Variations with the event’s speakers (serigraphy on offset)
Front and back (screenprinted) of another variation
Front and back (screenprinted) of another variation
Wall of posters
Detail of front and back view

A poster series for the typography symposium “Dialog der Schrift: Autorschaft in der Gestaltung” (“Dialogue of the Writing: Authorship in Design”). Designed with Maret Tholen and Omar Nicolas; photography by Hauke Burghart.

This series was chosen to be among the “100 best posters” from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in 2011. In 2013, the series was nominated for the “German Design Award 2014.”

59.4 × 84.1 cm, black serigraphy on offset printings (4C), edition of 400, published by Muthesius Kunsthochschule.


2011, Poster