Hagen VerlegerTypography & Book Design


Cloth-bound box with embedded label
The foreword, printed on a loose sheet of paper
The box and the text booklets
All five text booklets’ covers
First of five text booklets (cover)
Interior view of the text booklet
Typographical details
Typographical details
Four spreads
Indices for names and places
First of 10 posters, showcasing the first of five drawers
Second of 10 posters, showcasing the first drawer’s content, and a text booklet
Second of five drawers
Second drawer’s content, numbered serially
Third of five drawers
Third drawer’s content, numbered serially
Fourth of five drawers
Fourth drawer’s content, numbered serially
Fifth of five drawers
Fifth drawer’s content, numbered serially
Five posters with the five drawers …
… and five posters with the five drawers’ contents

The work “Erinnerungsprotokolle” (“Memory Transcripts”) explores the visualisation of both remembrance and forgetting. It is an examination of my grandmother’s private archive, collecting and linking her memories of every item included in the collection.

21 × 29.7 cm and 84.1 × 59.4 cm, 5 × 20 pages (B/W) and 10 posters (4C), unique copy, self-published.